November 13, 2011

This week's title is a video:

Start at 6:32

Wow, I still have 237 followers? Why? Did you all forget to unsubscribe? Well, either your loyalty or your laziness are to be rewarded, because I'm starting again.

It's funny, you know what the impetus was, the thing that finally broke the intertia? I'm working at an art store now, and some old man came in having had trouble with his nibs, which he is new to using. I was explaining to him what he was doing wrong and how to fix it, and then driving home that night it hit me: I can't really deal with giving advice to strangers who walk in the door, and not my Comic Tools readers, who have truly done for me in the past. And besides, my broken life is finally back together enough that I feel like I can bust out a column about something regularly.

So, Hi! Surprise! And let me start my being back with the advice I have this old man: keep your nib clean while you work, always move it towards the concave belly, and always clean it when you're finished.

And Happy Birthday, Rivkah!


That Girl said...

Happy to see you back! :]

Stephen Green said...

THANKS for coming back! you've been a huge help!

MichaelK said...

I was actually digging back in the feed last week to find your post on cutting out panels and replacing them. I'm glad you're back now, though!

Sheldon Goh said...

I was hanging in there, hoping against hope that you'd be back. Glad to see you return. :)

Comic Tools said...

Thanks all!

SoJi said...

Happy to see you are back, I used to be adsdicted to your blog :D

Tony Yun said...

Welcome back! Reading your posts inspires me to draw again. Keep 'em coming!

GB said...


nezmonk said...

I've missed this blog so much. Welcome back!

Becca Hillburn said...

It's great to see you've started posting again, I really enjoy the links, tips, and products you share with your audience.