November 21, 2006

Diego R. Jourdan Pereira

For over 10 years Diego has worked as a professional illustrator, comic-book artist, and cartoonist for companies such as Simon & Schuster Publishing, Felix The Cat Productions Inc., Mirage Group, Blue Dream Studios, Mongoose Publishing, and MIT's Kavli Institute for Astrophysics and Space Research among others.

His work has been published and exhibited the World over, in countries like Argentina, Chile, Cuba, Bolivia, England, Korea and the Ukraine, and graced household characters ranging from Felix The Cat to the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles.

Born and raised in Montevideo, Uruguay, he currently resides in Santiago, Chile, but the one thing Diego loves more than drawing is traveling abroad at the first chance he gets!

Comics: Tales of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, Ed's Terrestrials.
Making comics since year of: 1996
Art education/schools attended: F.I.T. Computer Typesetting and Design.


Pencils: Two Pentel 0.7 tech pencils, one with blue refills (structure), the other w/ soft 'B' black lead refills for pencil finishes (though sometimes i skip directly to inking)

Inks: Copic and Micron Pigma markers ( 0.2, 0.3, 0.5, 0.8 ). Faber Castell PITT Brush pens.
Lately i've been increasingly inking using simply my Graphire4 WACOM Tablet and Adobe Photoshop CS2.

Paper: Standard copy/printer paper (yeah,i'm cheap).


Color: Graphire4 WACOM Tablet and Adobe Photoshop CS2.

Layout / Composition: I study all the classics, but specially Milton Caniff, Hugo Pratt, Carl Barks, Mauricio de Sousa, Roberto Fontanarrosa, and Hank Ketcham.

Tool timeline, starting from when you began drawing in any serious way until the present, and what spurred the changes: I've tried everything and anything. In the end i set for what gives me reasonable quality and speed. Way things are going by 2007 my art will by fully digital.

What tools you'd never use, and why: I think you need to use them all before choosing which one suits you better for the type of work you're trying to achieve. In my case i do commercial work that need be pulled fast and be pleasing to the eye at the same time.

And lastly, any advice you'd like to give: Try everything, work hard, have fun!

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