December 12, 2010

Eraser shields: Not for dueling pencil knights.

(Also, not actually the subject of this post.)

I'm ready to start posting every week again. I know, it's been awhile. A lot's happened. I moved in with my girlfriend. I got a full-time job in New York Central Art Supply's paper department. I was removed from the book I've worked on, or worked to be able to work on, for the last four and a half years. I did a shitload of anatomy research, the results of which you'll be seeing in the future on this blog. I started a new project with a friend of mine, which I'll be discussing much more freely than my previous project as I work on it.

I'll talk about my removal from the book I was working on in more detail another time. All I'll say for now is that it wasn't acrimonious, but it was very sad and disappointing for all parties. Basically, I hadn't turned in any work in a long time, and because of my new job, no work was forthcoming any time soon. First Second said they needed the book done by such-and-such time, I said I could not do it by then, and so they were forced to let me go. I think it's important for people to share their failures as well as successes, particularly ones that are learning experiences, so believe me, I WILL go into more detail about this later. But at the moment the circumstances of my being let go aren't totally over with, or even solidified in terms of what will happen legally, and it's still pretty goddamned painful to talk about, so you'll excuse me if I refuse to answer any questions on the subject for now.

But it, in combination with a major move, is the main reason I've been offline so long, and not really been in the spirit of blogging about comics.

Anyhow, I'll be resuming tools posts next week with a post about the eraser shield. And I'll be catching up responding to a backlog of reader comments during the week.


Stephen Green said...

Great to see you back! You have been so helpful to me.

Anonymous said...

Can't wait! You have been very helpful to me as well.

Jordan Ansell said...

I like this philosophy, allowing other to learn instead of hiding what's happened.
Looking forward to your return :).

Josh said...

I consider myself lucky to "know" people so open to sharing their experience. I'm really looking forward to more posts.

Thanks in advance for any insight you might have based on your personal experiences. Without those difficulties, the successes, however minor they might be, would be nothing.


Emily said...

Glad to see you're back in action!

Mickey Quinn said...

It's good to see you're well on your way to picking yourself back up after that painful fall! Can't wait until you get posting.

Eliza said...

I'm excited to see you back online! I've really missed this blog. Hope everything works out for the best. :)

Anonymous said...

Welcome back! Was about to delete you from my favorites; glad I didn't...

Ambassador MAGMA said...

Glad you're back. Everything happens for a reason. Someday you will look back at that as a turning point, I'm sure, in one way or the other.

I think everyone can use an anatomy lesson or two(thousand)...

(PS your word verification is: "butsitt", not sure what that's about)

Sckraps said...

I knew there was a good reason to keep this blog in my feed! (aside from the ridiculous wealth of shared info within it's archives! [foreverbookmarked])

Good to read that things are on the up and up! Hope they keep that momentum, and we can probably all agree we wait on the edges of our desk chairs (couches, park benches, whatever) to see what new content lies ahead!

You've been an invaluable resource of tips and information and inspired experimentation in my own work.

Thank you! And here's to many happy returns!

Mister Tyler Crook said...

WOAH! I'm really glad to see a new post. Sorry to hear about the gig falling through with 1st2nd. As long as you are learning, it won't be wasted effort. I can't wait to see what you have to offer in 2011!!

Loroca said...

I was super happy to see this in my google feed :] :] great to have you back! Sounds like you've had a lot to handle recently, so I don't blame you for disappearing like that! Take care and welcome back!

Joel C. GIll said...

Hot damn it is good to see you posting again your blog has been an invaluable tool. I look forward to more informative posts.